Gunman Kills Two First Responders at a West Webster New York Fire

As horrible as it sounds, yes again we are now exposed to the news of a another Nutcase with a weapon in West Webster, NY.  The Main Street Press describes the man as a convicted murder of a family member of some 17 years prior.  He was convicted as killing his Grandmother with a hammer and “served his time” in jail as a model prisoner.  Yet, we hear, he is allowed out of Prison, only to plan his next chilling move, “to do what he does best” as he described himself, to kill again.  It is now reported that the next victim was his sister who also lived in the same  house, but at the far ends of the house, since they didn’t get along.

I wonder what is going through the minds of the Parole Board members who allowed this soul out into the public again. Would it have been an easy decision if they had heard he would be living next door to them, in their neighborhood? Also, what of the survivors of the currently, two dead Firefighters. No doubt the families of these brave men are suffering a tremendous loss.

What is reported, is that the Killer murdered his sister, then started the fire at his place of residence and waited for his next victim to show up.  In an ambush, he selectively shot the four First Responders, killing two and leaving two in critical care and then only after a gun fight on the scene with Police he then takes his own life by a fatal shot to himself.

What is a wonderment to this tragedy is the outcry for “Gun Control” and not the demand for the Record of Supervision of this person while placed back  in  the public.  I can likely swear to the fact, that he, this convicted felon, did not have a Gun License nor did he register his gun that was used in this mayhem. He, the Killer, found a way to get this weapon, not by lawful means. We all know that a convicted Felon is not allowed a Gun, period, no matter which State one lives.   So by an unlawful act, he obtains a gun and again kills as he pulls the trigger on his unsuspecting victims.

What stopped this Bad Guy from killing more people?  The Good Guys with Lethal Force. But, it wasn’t until they responded to the scene that this event was thus stopped.  So, in summary, when Lethal Force meets Lethal Force a check is then in place, not before.

I suppose  the Argument is there that if all the Guns were removed , the land  we live in would be a safer place.  That would be a good if there were no Evil men.   However, how do you legislate Evil Nutcases who have no regard for the Law!  If this Nutcase was able to get his hands on a gun, and runs through his tyrant, or what ever his issues were,  the fact remains, that lethal force definitely checks lethal force.

No legislation will change the inevitable. The age old issues still exist  “Good vs Evil”.  Those who deny that “Evil” exists, will assume the position as it’s subjugated victim. The fact remains world wide, the unlawful will somehow hide their cache of guns, and then bring them out to a unarmed Society only to take full control of it’s unassuming victims.  It matters not if they are Hand Guns or Automatics or Assault Types or  even a Single Shot.   When “Evil Intent” has the upper hand, then the subjugated will suffer and no one will be able to check the hand of the oppressor.

Many have the belief that their Law Enforcement will be there to Protect them. However, the facts show that they only appear on the scene AFTER the crime has  been committed.  Too many times I have seen the The Chief of Police or spokes person after a horrific  crime states “we can’t be ever where all the time”  By Statute, the Police have the power to go after the “Unlawful” AFTER a Crime has been committed. Thus vigilante mobs are  outlawed. But, the facts also show that those who have had personal  training and has had the proper background checks are the responsible members of Society and are not the majority participants of the crimes committed in our country.  I have heard that less than 1 percent of Licensed Gun Holders have been involved in a crime. That tells me that the other 99 percent, the unlawful holders of guns, are those that  have been committing the majority of Crimes. Thus, the Unlawful, the Crooks, the Bad Guys will continue to carry weapons no matter the Law.

Thus, if in a Knee Jerk reaction by Administrations, at the City, State and Federal levels, in response to the recent gun related horrors , decide that ” Evil will be checked by an act of Legislation” then think again friends.  It will bite you in end.  “Evil Lethal Force” can only be checked by “Good Lethal Force”. Change this formula and you will unbalance the equation and cause a shift from the “Rule of Law” to the “Rule of the Unlawful”.

I would use caution in the decisions presented to solve our Societies problems.  A broad-brush act of Law could cause us, the Lawful,  more problems than they solve. It could conceivably leave only the Unlawful the power, and ability to topple Society on it’s head.

Here is a scenario: Imagine going to the movies with your family.  You leave from the Theater to make you way home on what would be considered a safe street.  However, you come upon what appears to be an accident, but in reality you realize to late, it’s a road block.  As you slow down gunmen appear with weapons drawn and direct you to turn down an alley.  They pull you and you loved ones out of the vehicle and the rest is left to your imagination.   Does this happen?  Every day in other parts of the world.  We are not far from it. We have large cities that have areas known as “combat zones”. Places you don’t want to be after dark.  Yes, friends this is an unsafe world in which we live.

So, think about what you’re willing to give up, before you let it go.

Just my view from my corner in West Palm Beach County, South Florida.